Plymouth Whitemarsh Class of '74
In Memory

In our hearts your memory lingers,

Sweetly tender, fond and true,

There is not a day dear friend,

That we do not think of you.

Joseph Raymond Aiello

Jo Ann Barbaretta

Neshan Bedrossian

Sallie Casino Fell

Suzanne Feinstein Silverman

Denis Fell

Jacqueline Galleo Wells

Michael Harrison

Ted Hasapes

Michele Hennessy Malantonio

William Hirst

Anthony Iula

Brett Kates

Debra Keenan Pitner

Patricia Lapenna Reilly

Glen McBride

David McNamara

Jacqueline Moore

James Moyer

William Sheridan

Kevin Steinberg

Mimi Stilley

Eileen Taylor Frangiosa

Nancy Taylor Henning

Hal Zweiback